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Please be sure to read our tips for reporting before you head out and don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.

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Data is Power!

Safe Lanes is a platform that helps you collect illegal parking data and work with your elected officials to demand safer streets. You can report illegal parking violations via our web app (native iOS and Android apps coming soon) and then we help you take the data you collect to the decision makers that can put safer infrastructure in the ground.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower people with tools, data and resources that will end traffic violence and make our city streets safer. Instead of casting illegal parking data into a city sanctioned black hole where nothing comes of it, we keep illegal parking data in the public domain where anyone can search, filter and share it in ways that can pressure our elected officials to take action!

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Our History

Safe Lanes was conceived in April 2019 in the wake of the death of 30 year old Tess Rothstein who was crushed to death by a box truck in San Francisco while riding her bike in an unprotected bike lane. Tess was killed on a street that is part of San Francisco's well known high injury network. We believe that our elected officials have a moral and social responsibility to act on data we have today that can prioritize and inform the design of safety improvement projects that will save lives.

Read more about the inspiration behind Safe Lanes.

Our Team

Safe Lanes was created by Stephen Braitsch and is currently supported by a small and passionate team of volunteers. We have a vibrant community of contributors and are growing quickly. We are actively looking for people who can help us empower our communities with tools and data that can make our streets safer.

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