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Blocked bicycle lane reports and citations over time

Our analysis of the SFMTA's response to San Francisco Mayor London Breed's directive to increase blocked bike lane enforcement is now live.
Click here to read the full report.

Year to Date & Weekly Totals

The x (bottom) axis displays the week ending date and the y (left) axis displays the number of reports received and citations1 written that week.


Monthly Summaries & Daily Totals

Daily number of reports received and citations1 written in a given month. The dates wrapped in parenthesis are weekends.


Reports & Citations by Time of Day

A range of multiple days displays the total number of reports received and citations1 written during that time period.

Start Date
End Date
Preset Ranges

Blocked Bicycle Lane Reports – Enforcement Recommendations

This chart shows the total number of blocked bike lane reports received within two hour time blocks throughout the day. This is intended to help direct enforcement resources to locations that consistently have a high number of reports at specific times of the day.

Start Date
End Date
Preset Ranges