
My Cities

It looks like you haven't reported any violations yet. Once you do, they'll show up here.

Please be sure to read our tips for reporting before you head out and don't hesitate to reach out with any questions.

Recent Activity

No activity yet. Looks like it's time to stretch those legs and go outside!

Account Settings

Resetting Permissions

If you get an alert saying that Safe Lanes cannot access your camera or your location you may need to reset your browser's privacy settings. Never fear, it's quite easy to do via the following steps. If you need additional help, don't hesitate to contact us.

Resetting Permissions on Android

Simply open your browser and navigate through the following steps: Settings > Privacy (Advanced) > Clear browsing data > Clear data

Resetting Permissions on iOS

On iOS, the privacy settings are in the OS Settings menu: Settings > General > Reset > Reset Location & Privacy > Reset Settings.
